Happy Birthday, Nick!

Another year, another birthday for the man, legend, icon, husband, father, Bucs fan, gamer and crocodile that is Nick Carter!

While we sadly can't gather together in person just yet, we can definitely celebrate virtually. Share all your favorite memories, photos and birthday love for the man who does so much for so many!

Leave Your Birthday Wishes In The FC!

Log in to the Nick Carter Fan Club and leave your birthday wishes for Nick on this blog post!

You can also leave birthday wishes, art, photos and more in the official birthday thread on the Fan Club Facebook page here!

Share On Socials!

Screenshot the above template for your instagram story and share what you love most about Nick! Tag @instanicknation so that we can share your birthday wishes all day long.

Also, use the hashtag #HappyBirthdayNickCarter to spread the birthday love!